So this is blog post number one. I have another blog that is currently sitting dormant as it was radio related and this one will be all about Public Relations, at least most of the time. This blog will probably only be read by people that know me but in case you don't I'm Brandon Smith and am enrolled in Post Grad PR at Loyalist College. For this first blog I will write a bit about what I've learned/think of the program thus far.
The program has been mostly fun times so far, we kicked it off by having pizza building a marshmallow tower and and playing volleyball. It was a good first or second day for everyone, it was a great way to get to know each other, and it was on a Thursday. It's great that we have Friday's off, it boosts the awesomeness of Thursday's and a long weekend every weekend is alright with me!
In class on a daily basis we've been learning the fundamentals of be a successful PR person by seeing gaffs made by companies and the past and also what they have done right. It will all come in handy in the working world one day.
I'm excited to see where this school year ends up, I've already made a few new friends and learned a few new things. The teachers are pretty cool, and the assignments seem like they'll be mostly interesting too. So three cheers for Loyalist PR, there is a real cool year ahead of me!
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