Hello internet! It's been a while since my last blog, I have written a multitude of drafts but never got around to finishing them so hopefully if you are reading this it has been published. I thought I'd blog about some current events and rather than writing a bunch of blogs I'm just going to make this one mega blog. Here is my 2¢ on some recent news...
Facebook Hacking:
I've noticed on Facebook and around the web that the worlds most popular site is being flooded with
porn and gore. Some images you may be lucky enough to stumble across include mutilated dead animals, Jesus involved in lewd sexual acts, and doctored photos of celebrates to bad things among many others. I've been hearing that the group
Anonymous is responsible; if you've never heard then welcome to the internet!
This shit totally seems like a legit thing to click on! |
Wether they are or not is not really the issue here, the issue is that people still don't seem to understand basic internet security. The way these images/ viruses/ spam get sent around is through the dumbasses who will click on anything. Wether you beleive that Facebook will start charging, that there is breaking news of some strange event that is only on Facebook, an IQ test, free anything (not directly from the company), or some celebrity behaving badly think twice before clicking. One can easily do a Google search to check if any of this is true, another way is read the description, if it's not in a way your "friend" would write or uncharecterstic of them to post then it is probably bullshit.
I suppose people will continue to cry afoul but these people affected are idiots for the most part. If you've used the internet for most of your life there is no reason you shouldn't be able to determine what is a real link and what is out to steal your information. If you wouldn't respond to an e-mail about the Nigerian lotto scam, why would you click on a picture of Jesus participating in gay sex? If it doesn't seem right don't do it, using a scapegoat like Anon for people's own stupidity on the internet is laughable, and they deserve to have the consequence given.
Dr. Conrad Murray/MJ:
I don't have much to say about this guy other than that he took the blame for Michael Jackson's suicide. The guy was addicted to
Propofol. I have no problem with drug addicts but what I do have a problem with is people who can take no responsibility for their mistakes in life. In life MJ couldn't talk responsibility and admit that sleeping with young boys was wrong, and in death his family could not accept he had no responsibility for his death. Poor Michael, the guy was just a big kid at heart, maybe so but he was still an adult. If Murray hadn't given him the drugs some other quack doctor would have. MJ killed himself and it's time for people to start accepting that.
More to come...finally a start, but if I don't post it will never make it up. :P